Midnight at the Lost , Found – The Stories
Midnight at the Lost & Found Author Challenge
Please see this announcement for full details about this author-created story event.
And now, the stories!!
Anything for Love Ch. 01 by gbdfa2
At Lost and Found: Buffet Wife by Anton25
Damian örnekköy escort Ch. 09: Party Time (L&F) by flynn99
Damian Ch. 10: Denouement – Wrap by flynn99
Dreams of Flying by DustofFallenStars
Her New Keyholder by SamYork
High osmancık escort Life: Where Angels Dare by oneagainst
Midnight at the Lost and Found 01 by wildflower2176
Only Consenting Adults Ch. 17 by oneagainst
Secrets After Midnight by NoTalentHack
The osmangazi escort Dinner Game (Of Most Clueless) by Norway_1705
To find out more on Author-Organized Challenges – either to participate in current ones or create a themed writing challenge – see this thread.
A special thank-you to oneagainst for creating and organizing this awesome challenge!
We extend another huge thanks to all the authors who contribute both to this themed challenge and to Lit readers for their support via votes and comments. Without the readers, there could be no writers.
Thank you for reading Midnight at the Lost & Found!