
Shelter Pet Pt. 01


A little kitten play.


Author’s Note

The events and characters in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

The two main characters in this story are in a dominant-submissive relationship. It is safe, sane, and consensual as well as kind and loving. But if this type of relationship is not your thing, you may want to skip this story and find something else to read.


I am trying out a new technique of writing very streamlined fiction — striking out adverbs, many of the attributives (e.g. “she said”) and anything else that does not serve to move the story along. Descriptions of characters and scenes will also be sparse, leaving your imagination to fill in the details. Character dialog and actions will be used in favor of narrative whenever possible. I’m hoping it works out well. It’s a story about kitten play, so really, what’s not to like? Let me know how it works for you in the comments.

Also, be aware that this is a story in three parts. The beginning (this part) focuses a lot on character and story development and not much on hanky-panky. There are some sexy scenes, but no orgasms yet. If you have a short attention span, you should bail out now.

-Wax Philosophic


Saturday, April 28th

“Are you looking to adopt?”

“Me? No,” I said, “just researching.”

“They’re awfully cute, aren’t they?”

“Yeah,” I sighed.

“So, are you a veterinary student? Animal behaviorist?”

“Nah. Would you believe theater major? I’m thinking seriously of trying out for the summer production of Cats.”

“Cool. Let me know if you want to play with some of the kitties. I can get you set up in one of those rooms over there.” She motioned to the glass-enclosed area a short distance away from us. “I’m Mandy, by the way.”

She had a firm handshake — firm, but not crushing — and an easy smile.

“Nice to meet you Mandy. I’m Brianna. I think I’ll take you up on your offer for a little kitten play, if you’ve got time.”

“Sure, follow me.”

I walked into a room not much bigger than my closet and sat down on the carpeted bench while Mandy opened the door on the small pet crate she had set at our feet.

“Just give her some space at first, so she can get used to you.”

I smiled as a little tabby, whose ear was slightly torn, stuck her head out and mewed softly. “Aww, so cute!” I watched her exploring her surroundings, pacing the floor, brushing against my leg. Tiny claws lancing through my jeans announced her intent to climb up onto my lap. She began walking lazy circles, her tail tickling my arms with each rotation.

“She’s making a little nest on your lap. Just let her do her thing for a while. When she settles down she’ll be ready for some petting.”

Sure enough, the tabby curled herself up in my lap. She looked up at me and blinked once, before resting her head on her front paws. I reached down to stroke behind her ears, but was intercepted as she butted my hand with her mouth.

“She likes you, Brianna. She wants you to groom her. If she licks you, rub your hand over her head, between her ears.”

“Like this?”


“Oh my god, she’s purring.”

“I told you she likes you. Keep doing that and she’ll love you forever.”

“I could do this all day. It’s so cool.”

“Isn’t it? You sure you don’t want to adopt?”

“Oh, I’d love to, but I live in the dorms. No pets allowed.”

“Bummer. Well, you can visit as often as you like. I’m here every Saturday with the shelter kitties. Her name is Yoshimi, by the way.”

“Aww, Yoshimi! Such a pretty kitty. Yes, you are.”


I actually managed to find a parking spot close to my dorm for once. It seems that most people had gone home for the weekend. Normally, I’d be home too, but not so much anymore. I turned my key in the lock and opened the door onto my roommate — and her boyfriend. Apparently, neither of them had gone home either.

“Jesus, Brie, don’t you knock?”

“Um, I live here.” I grabbed my book bag and headed downstairs to the commons area. An hour to study, then I was heading back up. I didn’t care if they were done or not.

Saturday, May 5th

“Hello, Yoshimi,” I cooed, “I missed you.”

“Hey Brianna, back to study the kitties some more?”

“Yeah, sort of. Mostly avoiding my roommate.”

Mandy gave a little hmph, somewhere between sympathy and disgust.

“We have an agreement now that I’m spending my weekends at school,” I explained. “Saturdays, I give her a four hour window in the afternoon.”

“For what?”

I turned, wrapped my arms about myself, and began caressing my back while making exaggerated moans and smooching sounds.

“Boyfriend, huh?”


“Well, feel free to hang out as long as you like. I might even put you to work.”

“Fine with me,” I said, “it’ll make the time go faster.”

The time did indeed go faster. Mandy had me feeding and watering the kittens, taking Fener Escort them to the litterbox. I hardly saw her, she was so busy talking to people and passing out adoption applications. Apparently, this was the weekend to adopt a shelter pet.

We had just gotten the traveling crates loaded into the back of Mandy’s van when she pulled out a twenty and stuffed it in my hand.

“I can’t take this.”

“You were a big help today. Seven kitties found their forever homes and I couldn’t have done it without you. Besides, aren’t you a starving young actor? Buy a pizza or something.”

I smiled. “Thanks. I’ll think of you as I eat my first slice.”


I opened the door to my roommate and her boyfriend again. At least they were fully clothed this time.


Saturday, May 12th

“Back again?”

“Yep, checking up on my job application. I need some extra income so I can sublet an apartment for the summer.”

“I’d hire you in a heartbeat, Brianna, but I’m afraid I can’t afford to pay much.”

“I appreciate the gesture, but I should be able to find something. I applied at every retailer in the strip mall. Even if I have to work fast food, it’ll be worth it to have my own place.”

“So you can study your craft in peace? How’d the audition go?”

“It’s not until the middle of June. Then another six weeks of rehearsals when I get the part.”

“I don’t want to be a buzzkill, but what if you don’t get the part? You’ll be stuck with the sublet.”

“I’m going to get the part.”

“I believe you, Brianna. Tell you what, I’ll add a couple bucks to your apartment fund if you can help me load these little cuties in the van at the end of the day.”

“Let me play with Yoshimi for a while and you’ve got yourself a deal.”

Yoshimi jumped right up onto my lap, gave a couple twirls, and settled her head down for some ear scratching. And when I didn’t get to it fast enough, she gave me an impatient little nudge with her nose.

“Yes, Yoshimi, I’ll scratch you.” She blinked at me once and then closed her eyes, satisfied that her human was now doing her bidding. “It’s a rough life you lead,” I teased.

I began slouching on the bench as I continued stroking the kitty on my lap. Yoshimi rolled over, pedaled her paws in the air, and never stopped purring. “Ah, the life of a kitten,” I sighed. “You don’t have to worry about finding a job, or paying rent, or putting up with stupid roommates. You just play all day and let someone else take care of you. Yes you do.”

My reverie was interrupted by Mandy’s face on the other side of the glass. She was sticking her tongue out at me. I grinned, as she opened the door. “Time to pack up,” she announced.

“Already?” I plucked the kitten from my lap and shooed her into her traveling crate. “I’ll help you load the van. It’s the least I could do, since all I did was hide out with Yoshimi all day.”

“Sometimes it’s good to take time out for some kitten therapy, Brianna. You looked like you needed it today.”

“Yeah, it’s been a rough week. Finals and all.”

After a few trips to the van, we had all the kitties ready to head back to the shelter. Mandy put her hand on my shoulder, and gave me a little squeeze — firm, but not crushing. “Thanks for the help,” she said and pressed another bill into my hand. “For the apartment fund.”

“You really don’t …”

“Brianna, someday when you’re an award-winning actor of stage and screen, and you’re making your acceptance speech — when you’re up there in front of a huge crowd of adoring fans — remember this day, and tell them all who it was that helped you get your start.”

“Sure, Mandy,” I grinned, “I’ll do that. Thanks.”


Unsurprisingly, I opened the door to find my roommate entangled with her boyfriend again. Though this time it was without the benefit of clothing. Try as I might, I just could not unsee that. “I’ll be in the commons if anybody’s looking for me.” I picked up my backpack and left.


Saturday, May 19th

Hooray, finals were over! I was free. The only problem was that I still had no job. No job meant no sublet, and no sublet meant no privacy, and no privacy — well — no privacy probably meant no part in the summer musical, or at least not the part I wanted. I wasn’t going for understudy here, I wanted the role of Grizabella. And to get that I was going to need to practice a lot, or better yet, immerse myself in the character — not something that’s easy to do in a tiny dorm room shared with a total stranger.

“I bet Yoshimi doesn’t have these problems,” I mumbled as I drove to the strip mall.

I wasted the better part of an hour listening to, “Sorry, we don’t have any positions available,” or “Check back in a couple of weeks.” Neither was what I needed to hear at the moment.

I walked into the pet store and headed for the back. “Is Yoshimi here? I think I need a little therapy.”

“Sure, Brianna. Let me fetch her.” Mandy opened the door on the traveling crate at our feet. Yoshimi hopped right up Escort Fener into my lap. “So, roommate troubles again?”


“Is your roommate driving you nuts? Is that why you need some kitty time?”

“Oh, she’s still a pain in my ass, but it’s the job search that’s really getting me down.”

“No good offers?”

“Try no offers at all. Nobody’s hiring.”

“I’ve got an idea for you. I could use some help at the shelter. I couldn’t pay you much, but would you be willing to take discounted rent in exchange?”

“Discounted rent?”

“The shelter is on a hobby farm. It has a nice one-room cottage that I rent out, and my current tenants are moving at the end of the month. I already know you’re a good helper. I’m sure we could work something out.”

“I think that could work.” I smiled.

“Tell you what, help me get these cuties loaded up in the van and you can follow me out there.”

“Wouldn’t it be easier to just ride with you?”

“Seriously, Brianna? You’d willingly climb into a white cargo van with some crazy cat lady you’ve only recently met? I think we’d both feel much better driving separately.”

“Yeah, I suppose.” I had to giggle a bit. Crazy cat lady, indeed.


Tucked away on the edge of the city was a tiny area untouched by urban sprawl. I followed the van into the drive, gravel crunching under tires.

Mandy stepped out. “Here it is, home sweet home.”

“This is nice.”

“Ten acres of field, the barn, the cottage.” She gestured here and there as we began moving the traveling crates out of the van and into the barn.

“Where do you live?”

“Above the barn. The hay loft has been converted into an apartment.”

I must have made a sour face.

“It’s nicer than it sounds. Plus it’s all paid for, leaving me free to concentrate on my kitties — and my other hobbies.”


The cottage door was answered by a scruffy young man in blue jeans and concert t-shirt. “Hey, Mandy.”

“Hey, Jeff. I’ve got a potential new tenant here. Mind if I show her around?”

“Sure, hold on. Honey, you decent? Mandy’s here.”

A woman in a flowy dress appeared in the doorway. “It’s cool, babe. Hi, Mandy.”

“Hey, Willow. This is Brianna. She’s thinking of renting the place. Mind if she takes a look around?”

“No prob. Want the nickle tour, Brianna?”


“Well, here’s the kitchen, obviously — and the living room. Through here is the bedroom and the bathroom. There’s only one, so you and your man will have to fight over it.”

“Not a problem. There’s only me.”

“Oh, lucky you.”

Jeff perked up. “I heard that, honey.”

“You know I love you, schnookums.”

I started having flashbacks to my dorm room as Jeff and Willow embraced. “Thanks for the tour.” Mandy was grinning as I practically dragged her out the door.

“They’re good people,” she said. “A little flower-childish, but good people.”

“I love the place, Mandy. It’s perfect.”


Saturday, May 26th

“Hi Mandy, Hi Yoshimi.”

“Oh Brianna, you’re going to hate me.”


“I’m afraid the cottage rental fell through. Willow found out she’s pregnant and they’ve decided to stick around now that there’s a baby on the way.”

I must have looked pretty pitiful, because Mandy put an arm around me.

“I’m really sorry, Brianna.”

“I know. It’s not your fault. I was just — well — I was really looking forward to it.”

“Tell you what, I have a plan B. Why don’t you spend some time with Yoshimi. I’ll come by in a few and tell you all about it.”

Yoshimi immediately hopped up onto my lap and nudged me with her nose. “Yes, Yoshimi, I know.” I began stroking behind her ears.

Ten minutes later, Mandy’s face appeared at the glass. “OK,” she said as the door closed, “please don’t think I’m weird. I don’t usually do this with someone your age.”

“Do what?”

“Uhh, remember when I mentioned I had hobbies besides the shelter kitties?”


“Well, uh, there are people who enjoy living the life of a pet — and that’s — well, that’s a service that I provide.”

I furrowed my brow.

“Sometimes people will move in with me and be my pet kitty for a few weeks or months. I provide everything they need while they’re with me. Most of them find it very therapeutic, and I have several regulars.”

“But no one at the moment?”

“No. Nobody right now.” She smiled.

“I don’t know …”

“Wanna try for the weekend? If you like it, I’ll trade you room and board for your help at the shelter. It might even help you get into your character. I’d be happy to have you stay for the whole summer if you want.”

I looked at Yoshimi. She looked at me. “OK. I’ll try it.”

“Cool. Go pick out a collar for yourself while I get the kitties ready to go home.”

I felt a little self-conscious trying on collars in the pet store, but no one said anything. I joined Mandy a few minutes later, purchase in hand.

“Let’s get these kitties loaded in Fener Escort Bayan the van, then you can follow me out. I’ve got toiletries and stuff, but if there’s any medications you need …”

“Nope, I’m good.” I wondered about a change of clothes, but dismissed the thought. Mandy had said she provided everything, and it was just for the weekend. If I had to wear the same underwear twice, big deal.


We arrived to the familiar crunch of gravel under our wheels.

“Why don’t you keep Yoshimi with you?” Mandy said as we unloaded the van.

“Come on Yoshimi, you can show me where we’re going to stay.”

Mandy opened the door onto a spacious loft. Light was spilling in from windows and skylights. Dominating the middle of the living area was an over-sized cat climber. Oddly, there were no kittens on it. Even Yoshimi seemed to give it a wide berth.

“That’s for naughty kitties,” Mandy said, “but you’re not one of those.”

“No.” I caught a glimpse of some cuffs and straps attached to various parts of the climber. “I’m a good kitty.” Did I really just say that?

“Why don’t you put your collar on and get undressed while I make us some dinner.”

“OK.” I thought about her request for a second. Oh what the heck, it’s just acting. Who knows, maybe I’ll do the nude scene in Hair someday. “I’m going to leave my panties on, ’cause, you know …”

“Totally understand. I’ve got products under the bathroom sink. Help yourself.”

I walked over to the table where Mandy had just set a big bowl of salad. I had a hard time meeting her gaze.

Mandy’s finger lifted my eyes to hers. “Nothing to be shy about, Brianna. You’re a very beautiful kitten.”

I felt a little better as she reached over and stroked my hair. That nice feeling lasted only until she placed a bowl full of tuna salad at my feet.

“Dinner time, kitty.”

“What? Oh hell no, I am not eating on the floor. This was a mistake.” I turned to fetch my clothes.

Mandy placed a hand on my arm. “Wait. I’m sorry, Brianna, I jumped the gun. That’s why I don’t do this with people your age. Most of my clients already know what to expect. Listen, why don’t I take you out for pizza, my treat. We’ll drive separately. If you’re still game after we talk it over, you can come back. Otherwise, we each go our own way.”

“OK.” At least she was being reasonable. I could hear her out.

By the time we returned to the farm, we had come up with an agreement. When I was ready, I would eat breakfast on the floor, but that was it, everything else was at the table. And the litterbox was totally at my discretion.

It was a one-bedroom loft, so I could choose to sleep in the pet bed or in bed with Mandy, but no fooling around — her rule. The pet bed was large and soft, but wasn’t big enough for me to stretch out, so I was still undecided there.

Lastly, was the cat climber. Like the litterbox, it was totally up to me, though Mandy said anything we did would be tame and we would talk about it before and after. All-in-all I felt pretty good as I shimmied out of my clothes and got down on the floor once again.

Even better, Yoshimi was there to greet me. I said nothing, just purred as Yoshimi rubbed against me. Another part of the agreement was that whenever I wasn’t working or studying, I would act like a cat. I was fine with that. It would help me get into my role as Grizabella.

Mandy parked herself on the couch. She patted the cushion next to her and I jumped up. After a couple of turns, I nudged my cheek against Mandy’s arm. She told me what a good kitty I was, as she stroked my hair.

I thought Yoshimi might get jealous and want some attention of her own. Instead, she stayed on the floor and occupied herself by batting around a pink robot plush toy.

I looked up at Mandy’s face, blinked my eyes once, and rolled onto my back. She stroked my hair while I made purring sounds.

“Nice kitty,” she said. “So sweet.”

Mandy reached over and picked up a book off the end table. She was no longer looking at me, but the stroking never stopped — on my hair, my neck, my shoulders — and I loved every minute of it. I felt the day’s tension leaving my body with each tender brush of her fingers against me. I could get used to this.


I awoke to moonlight streaming through the skylight. Mandy was gone and Yoshimi had taken her place. I pushed aside the cozy blanket that was wrapped around me and padded over to the bathroom for my nighttime ritual. Yoshimi was pacing and brushing against my calf as I debated sleeping in the pet bed or joining Mandy. I was hoping for some more hair stroking, so Mandy’s bed it was.

Gentle snoring greeted me as I crawled into Mandy’s room and hopped up on the bed. “Mmm, kitty is that you?” she mumbled. Her hand reached out. I brushed my cheek against it, purring softly. “Sweet kitty,” she said.

Soon I was snuggled in and sleeping soundly. Mandy had her arm over my shoulder and Yoshimi had wrapped herself around my head.


Sunday, May 27th

“So Brianna, how was it?”

“I think I could get used to it. So people usually pay you for this?”

“Yep, and pretty handsomely.”

“Well, I guess I owe you some work today.”

“We’ll get to that in a bit. How about some breakfast first? I like oatmeal in the mornings. How do you feel about that?”

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